Add contracts

Add contracts

To add a new contract to your app, use the contracts field in ponder.config.ts. When you add a new contract, Ponder fetches raw blockchain data (event logs) from the network and passes that data to the indexing functions you write.


  • A simple contract (static address)
  • A set of contracts created by a factory (dynamic address)
  • A set of contracts that all emit the same event (dynamic address)

Contract name and ABI

Every contract must have a unique name and an ABI.

import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { BlitmapAbi } from "./abis/Blitmap";
export default createConfig({
  networks: [
    { name: "mainnet", chainId: 1, transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1) }
  contracts: [
      name: "Blitmap",
      abi: BlitmapAbi,
      network: "mainnet",
      address: "0x8d04a8c79cEB0889Bdd12acdF3Fa9D207eD3Ff63",
      startBlock: 12439123,

For the remainder of this guide, all import statements are omitted from code snippets for brevity.

ABI types

To take advantage of static type-level validation, Ponder requires ABI objects to be asserted as constants. Due to a TypeScript limitation, this means that you must save your ABIs in .ts files.


Every contract must specify at least one network.

Single network

To index a contract on one network, simply pass the network name as a string to the network field.

export default createConfig({
  networks: [
      name: "mainnet",
      chainId: 1,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
  contracts: [
      name: "Blitmap",
      abi: BlitmapAbi,
      network: "mainnet",
      address: "0x8d04...D3Ff63",
      startBlock: 12439123,
ponder.on("Blitmap:Mint", async ({ event, context }) => {
  const { Blitmap } = context.contracts;
  // ...

Multiple networks, different address

The Uniswap V3 Factory contract is deployed at a different address on certain networks.

import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { UniswapV3FactoryAbi } from "./abis/UniswapV3Factory";
export default createConfig({
  networks: [
      name: "mainnet",
      chainId: 1,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
      name: "base",
      chainId: 8453,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_8453),
  contracts: [
      name: "UniswapV3Factory",
      abi: UniswapV3FactoryAbi,
      network: [
          name: "mainnet",
          address: "0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984",
          startBlock: 12369621,
          name: "base",
          address: "0x33128a8fC17869897dcE68Ed026d694621f6FDfD",
          startBlock: 1371680,
ponder.on("Blitmap:Mint", async ({ event, context }) => {
  const { Blitmap } = context.contracts;
  const tokenUri = await;
  const token = await context.entities.Token.create({
    id: event.params.tokenId,
    data: { uri: tokenUri },
  // { id: 7777, uri: "" }

Multiple networks, same address

The ERC-4337 EntryPoint contract is deployed to the same address on all networks. In this case, include the address field at the top level. The configuration for each network will inherit the address defined at the top level.

import { createConfig } from "@ponder/core";
import { http } from "viem";
import { EntryPointAbi } from "./abis/EntryPoint";
export default createConfig({
  networks: [
      name: "mainnet",
      chainId: 1,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
      name: "optimism",
      chainId: 10,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_10),
  contracts: [
      name: "EntryPoint",
      abi: EntryPointAbi,
      address: "0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789",
      network: [
          name: "mainnet",
          address: "0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789",
        { name: "optimism", startBlock: 88234528 },
import { ponder } from "@/generated";
ponder.on("EntryPoint:UserOperationEvent", async ({ event, context }) => {
  const totalSupply = await context.client.readContract({
    address: context.contracts.EntryPoint.address,
    abi: context.contracts.EntryPoint.abi,
    functionName: "totalSupply",
  // factory or event filter
  const totalSupply = await context.client.readContract({
    address: event.log.address,
    abi: context.contracts.EntryPoint.abi,
    functionName: "totalSupply",
  const tokenUri = await;
  const token = await context.entities.Token.create({
    id: event.params.tokenId,
    data: { uri: tokenUri },


Each contract has either a single static address (most common), a list of static addresses, or a factory configuration.

Single address

export default createConfig({
  networks: [
      name: "mainnet",
      chainId: 1,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
  contracts: [
      name: "Blitmap",
      abi: BlitmapAbi,
      network: "mainnet",
      address: "0x8d04a8c79cEB0889Bdd12acdF3Fa9D207eD3Ff63",
      startBlock: 12439123,

Many addresses

Factory contracts

Ponder supports factory contracts via


Here's a config that specifies a single

export default createConfig({
  networks: [
      name: "mainnet",
      chainId: 1,
      transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1),
  contracts: [
      name: "ArtGobblers",
      network: "mainnet",
      abi: "./abis/ArtGobblers.json",
      address: "0x60bb1e2aa1c9acafb4d34f71585d7e959f387769",
      startBlock: 15863321,